Fink source code consists of a sequence of expressions.
Most of the time expressions are separated by a new line
and have the same level of indentation.
It is also possible to use ,
to separate them.
expression_2, expression_3
Values of an expression can be assigned to a label within an expression block. These labels can then be used within the same block to reference the value.
To make it easier to reason about the code, re-assigning a label is not allowed.
foobar = 123
spam = foobar + 321
# 444
Fink has support for integers and floating point values.
There are integer, floating point, hexadecimal, octal and binary literals that can be used in code.
A _
may be used as a spearator to make long numbers more readable.
# integer
# floating point
# octal
# hexadecimal
# binary
The arithmitic operators +
, -
, *
, /
, ^
, %
can be used with number values.
add = 1 + 2
# 3
subract = 1 - 2
# -1
multiply = 2 * 3
# 6
divide = 3 / 2
# 1.5
to_the_power = 2^3
# 8
modulus = 4 % 2
# 0
combined_with = 1 + 2 * 3 + (1 + 2) * 3
# 16
Numbers can also be compared to each other using the comparison operators
, >
, >=
, <=
, ==
, !=
The value of a comparison is always a boolean (true or false).
less_than = 1 < 2
less_than_or_equal = 2 <= 2
between = 1 < 2 < 3
greater_than = 2 > 1
greater_than_or_equal = 1 >= 1
equal_to = 2 == 2
not_equal = 1 != 2
There are two literals for boolean values that can be used in code.
Boolean values can be used with logical operators and
, or
and not
. The value of a logical expression is always a boolean.
true and true
# true
true or false
# true
false or false
# false
not true
# false
not false
# true
1 < 2 and 2 < 3
# true
For working with text data fink as strings, a sequence of unicode characters.
A string is any text delimited by '
, "
or `
"spam's not ham"
`foo ' bar " spam \u263A`
Strings can span multiple lines, with block indentation automatically removed.
Strings support comparison operators only:
'abc' < 'cde'
'abc' <= 'abc'
'ABC' > 'abc'
'abc' >= 'abc'
'abc' == 'abc'
'spam' != 'ham'
Concatination of strings can be achieved using the ${...}
template expression syntax within strings.
foo: ${1 + 2 + 3}
bar spam
\${escaped to avoid templating}
# foo: 6
# bar spam
# ni
# ${escaped to avoid templating}
For more advanced templating, strings can be prefixed with a template-tag, a function that will recieve all string parts and expression values for custom formatting.
E.g. fink/stdlib comes with a raw
template tag to avoid having to use escape characters.
raw'foo \ / ${1234.456}'
The following escape characters are supported within a string:
- single quote\"
- double quote\`
- backtick\\
- backslash\n
- new line\r
- carriage return\v
- vertical tab\t
- tab\b
- backspace\f
- form feed\uXXXX
- UTF-16 hex code / Unicode code point between U+0000 and U+FFFF\u{X}
... \u{XXXXXX}
- UTF-32 code unit / Unicode code point between U+0000 and U+10FFFF\${
- prevents template expression evaluationLists are immutable ordered collections of values of any kind.
There are two types of list expressions.
[1, 2, ['foo', 3]]
1, 2
['foo', 3]
There is a single operator 'in' that can be used with lists (and any other iterable value). It tests whether one value is container within another.
'foo' in ['foo', 'bar', 'spam']
# true
'ni' in ['foo', 'bar', 'spam']
# false
Records are immutable unordered collections of key-value pairs.
Keys can be a string expression, a label, or parenthesized expression evaluating to a key.
Values can be any expression including an indented expression block.
To simplify including a value with the key being the value's label, a shorthand key-value expression can be used.
There are two types of record expressions:
{key: 'value', 'foo bar': 123, (expr): {}, shorthand}
key: 'value'
'foo bar': 123
(expr): {}
Records can be used with the .
operator to get the values for a key.
foobar = {spam: 'ham', ni: 123}
# 'ham'
key = 'spam'
# 'ham'
Functions are first class citizens in fink and can be passed around just like any other value.
foobar = fn spam, ham:
foo = '${spam} is ${ham}'
foobar 'spam', 'ni'
# 'spam is ni!'
To make working with lists and records easier, fink supports destructuring, i.e. lists and record literals as left hand sides of an assignments or as parameters.
Labels, that would be used for elements in a list or as value for a key in a record, become labels in the local scope, with their values extracted from the value of the expression on the right hand side.
As with record and list literals, nesting, shorthands, empty elements and spreads are supported.
{foobar: {spam}, shrub: ni} = {foobar: {spam: 'ham'}, shrub: 123, ni: 456}
[spam, ni]
# 'ham' 123
{foo,} = {foo: 'bar', spam: 'ham', shrub: 'ni'}
[foo, rest]
# 'bar' {spam: 'ham', shrub: 'ni'}
[head, ...tail] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[head, tail]
# [1, [2, 3, 4, 5]]
[first, ..., last] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[first, last]
# [1, 5]
Destructuring also works for parameters in block expressions. The parameters are simply treated as a list.
foo = fn [spam], {ham: ni=false}, ,
[spam, ni,]
foo ['ham'], {}, 123, 456, 789
# ['ham', false, 456, 789]
The match obj:
block expression expects a value as parameter and contains a sequence of condition: result
expressions as the body.
The result of the first condition matching the value passed in will be used as the value of the match expression.
The last condition should be an else: result
expression, which matches anything.
get_matching = fn obj:
match obj:
'exact number'
'exact string'
'no match'
get_matching 123
# 'exact number'
get_matching 'foobar'
# 'exact string'
get_matching 'ni'
# 'no match'
get_matching = fn obj:
match obj:
[1, ..., 1]:
'start and end ${obj}'
[1, [2, 3]]:
'nested ${obj}'
'no match'
get_matching [1, 2, 3, 2, 1]
# 'start and end [1, 2, 3, 2, 1]'
get_matching [1, 1]
# 'list start and end [1, 1]'
get_matching [1, [2, 3, 4]]
# 'nested [1, [2, 3, 4]]'
get_matching []
# 'no match'
get_matching = fn obj:
match obj:
{foo: 'bar', spam: 'ham'}:
'object ${obj}'
{foo: 'bar', spam: {ham: {}}}:
'nested ${obj}'
'no match'
get_matching {foo: 'bar', spam: 'ham', shrub: 'ni'}
# 'object {foo: 'bar', spam: 'ham', shrub: 'ni'}'
get_matching {foo: 'bar', spam: {ham: 'ni'}}
# 'nested {foo: 'bar', spam: {ham: 'ni'}}'
get_matching {}
# 'no match'
Conditions using partial applications succeed if they evaluate to true,
using the object being matched as the partial value (i.e. in place of ?
When nesting a ?
within a list or record, the object being matched is the element or record field within the current nesting.
get_matching = fn obj:
match obj:
3 < length ?:
'short iterable ${obj}'
? in ['foo', 'bar']:
'is in list ${obj}'
{foo: ? > 3}:
'foo ${obj}'
'no match'
get_matching 'ni'
# 'short iterable ni'
get_matching 'bar'
# 'is in list bar'
get_matching {foo: 42}
# 'foo {foo: 42}'
get_matching 'shrub'
# 'no match'
The ?
can be used anywhere a label can be used and transforms
any outer expression into a function with ?
being the first argument.
is_even = 0 == ? % 2
is_even 1
# false
add = fn a, b: a + b
add_123 = add ?, 123
add_123 321
# 444
A pipe provides a way to call multiple functions successively, passing the result of one call to the next, starting with the pipe's initial value:
pipe 1:
fn a: a + 1 # 2
fn b: b * 2 # 4
fn c: c - 1 # 3
# 3
Strings and lists are iterable collections, i.e. they allow each of their items to be processed sequentially.
Keeping all items for which the condition block returns true
items = pipe [1, 2, 3, 4]:
filter item:
0 == item % 2
# [2, 4]
Keeping all while a condition holds true
items = pipe [1, 2, 3, 4]:
while item:
item < 3
# [1, 2]
Mapping transforms a sequence of items into a new sequence of items, replacing each item with a new one returned by the map's block expression
items = pipe [1, 2, 3]:
map item:
item * 2
# [2, 4, 6]
To make it easier to pass some state from one mapping step to the next, an accumulator can be added to the parameters and returned by using the tuple syntax.
In addition it is possible to use spread syntax to expand a single item into multiple.
items = pipe [1, 2, 3, 4]:
map item, is_even_idx=false:
all = match true:
[item, item]
(...all, not is_even_idx)
# [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4]
range = fn start, stop:
pipe start:
unfold accu:
(accu, accu + 1)
while cntr:
cntr <= stop
[...range 1, 5]
# [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
obj = pipe [['foo', 1], ['bar', 2]]:
fold [key, value], accu={}:
{...accu, (key): value}
# {foo: 1, bar: 2}